Wiesław Janczyk

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Wiesław Janczyk, 2019

Wiesław Janczyk (born April 7, 1964 in Chomranice ) is a Polish politician , local politician and since 2007 a member of the Sejm in the VI . Electoral term.

He studied Polish at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, as well as in London . He worked for the Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej SA (Bank for the Food Industry), among other things as a representative of a department head. He was also the deputy director of the stock corporation "Remag". In 2002 and 2006 he was elected to the district council of Powiat Limanowski .

In the 2007 parliamentary elections , he was elected for the constituency Nowy Sącz on the list of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Law and Justice - PiS) with a result of 10,696 members of the Sejm. He is a member of the Sejm Commission for Public Finance.

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