Wiesenau (Hattmatt)

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Wiesenau is a deserted area in the French community of Hattmatt in Lower Alsace .


The village Wiesenau ("Wiesentowe") belonged as a fiefdom of the Bishop of Metz to the Lords of Lichtenberg , after they had bought half of the village in 1372 from the Lords of Wilsperg and in 1384 another quarter from Johann von Kirkel . The tithe in Wiesenau was due to the Lords of Lichtenberg together with the monasteries of Selz and Maursmünster .

The Lords of Lichtenberg assigned Wiesenau to the office of Buchsweiler , which was created at the beginning of the 14th century as an office of the Lichtenberg rule . In 1354, the illegitimate daughter of Johann II (Hannemann) von Lichtenberg (1317 - † 1366), Agnes, received, among other things, income from Wiesenau as part of her trousseau when she married the knight Götz von Grostein .

Already in the 15th century the place is no longer mentioned and at that time it had fallen into desolation. Its district was later assigned to the village of Hattmatt.


  • Fritz Eyer: The territory of the Lords of Lichtenberg 1202-1480. Investigations into the property, the rule and the politics of domestic power of a noble family from the Upper Rhine . In: Writings of the Erwin von Steinbach Foundation . 2nd edition, unchanged in the text, by an introduction extended reprint of the Strasbourg edition, Rhenus-Verlag, 1938. Volume 10 . Pfaehler, Bad Neustadt an der Saale 1985, ISBN 3-922923-31-3 (268 pages).
  • Friedrich Knöpp: Territorial holdings of the County of Hanau-Lichtenberg in Hesse-Darmstadt . [typewritten] Darmstadt 1962. [Available in the Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt , signature: N 282/6].
  • Gerhard Wunder: The Strasbourg rural area . Berlin 1967.

Individual evidence

  1. Eyer, p. 69.
  2. Eyer, p. 69.
  3. Eyer, p. 70.
  4. Eyer, p. 121.
  5. Knöpp, p. 6.
  6. Eyer, p. 107, note 7.
  7. Miracle, p. 55.