Wildcard (plug-in card)

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Wildcard 1 for the Apple II and Apple II +

The wild card (also wild card , its own spelling WILD CARD , English for "placeholder") is a plug-in card for the Apple II , Apple II + and Apple IIe , with which backup copies can also be made of copy-protected software. The card creates an executable diskette version of a software previously started from diskette directly from the main memory .

The device had been manufactured by East Side Software Co. since 1982 and was available in several differently equipped versions. Version 1 can copy 48 KB and 64 KB floppy disks, Wildcard 2 and Wildcard Plus on the Apple IIe can also copy 128 KB floppy disks. The plug-in card was widespread enough in the 1980s to be of interest to product pirates.

Wildcard 2 (initially Alaska Card ) was temporarily sold by Central Point Software , Inc. as a supplement to the data protection software Copy II + .

Individual evidence

  1. apple2info.net: Wildcard ( Memento from April 5, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) .
  2. apple2info.net: Wildcard 2 ( Memento from February 16, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) .