Wilhelm Althaus

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Wilhelm Althaus (* 9. July 1899 in Germany , † after 1967) was a German actor of stage and film and a drama teacher.

Live and act

Althaus had completed a degree in the 1920s up to his doctorate and only came to the theater late, towards the end of the Weimar Republic. From the beginning of the 1930s he worked at the city theater of Teplitz-Schönau, where he was also allowed to stage plays in the 1931/32 season. Later, Karen rarely got permanent engagements, such as at the end of the same decade when he was a member of the summer theater in Oeynhausen shortly before the outbreak of World War II. At that time he was also used as a speaker and reciter.

During the war he was last seen in 1942 at Berlin's Theater der Jugend and at the Unter den Linden theater. After 1945, Althaus concentrated primarily on the work of a stage and acting teacher. Between 1938 and 1942, Althaus also worked with small roles in several films - often as an officer - while after the war he hardly appeared in front of the camera and can no longer be proven with permanent engagements at the theater.


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