Wilhelm Bernhard Berlin

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Wilhelm Bernhard Berlin (* unknown; † July 26, 1604 in Heilbronn ) was mayor of the imperial city of Heilbronn from 1603 to 1604 .


In 1589 he was a member of the Heilbronn court and since 1601 has been a member of the small, inner council ( from the burgers ). In 1603 he became mayor of Heilbronn . He was married to Barbara Ans, the daughter of Mayor Wendel Ans . Berlin's widow Barbara married his successor David Jakob Feyerabend . Her niece, also named Barbara, was the wife of the later mayor Johann Georg Spitzer . The Heilbronn patricians had close family ties, as people in law could also be accepted into the council.

Berlin comes from an old Heilbronn patrician family. The family's coat of arms shows three nested bears , two buffalo horns are used to decorate the crest.


  • Bernd Klagholz: Heilbronn and its mayors in the period from the 16th to the 19th century. Tübingen 1980, p. 41, (Tübingen, Univ., Approval work).
  • Helmut Schmolz , Hubert Weckbach: Heilbronn. History and life of a city . 2nd complete and expanded edition. Konrad, Weißenhorn 1973, ISBN 3-87437-062-3 .