Wilhelm Josef Becker

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Wilhelm Josef Becker (born February 8, 1890 in Koblenz ; † July 2, 1974 there ) was a German teacher , journalist and writer .


He was the son of the chief accountant Wilhelm Becker at the civil casino in Koblenz and his wife Josephine nee Schmitz. After attending grammar school in Koblenz, Wilhelm Josef Becker studied at the universities of Bonn and Strasbourg. In 1915 he graduated as Dr. phil. at the University of Giessen . The subject of his dissertation was research on the theater of Koblenz in the context of German, namely the Rhenish theater history, over the period up to 1815. Part 1. From the English comedians to the activities of the Böhm Society (1600–1805) . He taught at the Kaiser Wilhelm Realgymnasium and Realschule in Koblenz and worked as a freelance journalist and writer after 1945.

Becker became known through research on the literary and theater history of Koblenz. Becker also worked as a dialect writer.

Fonts (selection)

  • Research on the theater of Koblenz in the context of the German, namely the Rhenish theater history, over the period up to the year 1815. Part 1. From the English comedians to the activities of the Böhm Society (1600–1805) , Gießen, 1915.
  • Collected contributions to the literary and theater history of Coblenz , Coblenz: Krabben, undated [1919].
  • On the family tree of the Görres family , in: Koblenzer Heimatblatt (special supplement to the Koblenzer General-Anzeiger), 3 (1926), no. 16, p. 2f.
  • Görres as a university lecturer , in: Koblenzer Heimatblätter (special supplement of the Koblenzer General-Anzeiger), 5 (1928), No. 5.
  • Letters from the Görres district , in: Koblenzer Heimatblatt (special supplement to the Koblenzer General-Anzeiger), 6 (1929), no.20.
  • Josef Görres and Jean Paul , in: Jean-Paul Blätter 14 (1939), pp. 15-17.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rhineland-Palatinate personal database