William Hirstein

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William Hirstein (* in the USA ) is an American philosopher who mainly deals with the cognitive sciences , cognitive neuroscience , the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of language . He is particularly known for his work on psychopathological confabulation . Hirstein teaches at Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, Illinois , where he is also the director of the philosophy faculty.

academic career

Hirstein earned his Ph.D. in philosophy with Richard Wollheim at the University of California, Davis . After moving to the University of California, San Diego , under Vilayanur S. Ramachandran and Patricia Churchland, he researched neurological syndromes that are associated with such confabulations, such as those observed in patients with split brain or Capgras syndrome , but which can also occur as a result of anosognosia . In collaboration with Ramachandran, there was also work on phantom pain and its treatment options.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Elmhurst College - Faculty ( January 31, 2013 memento in the Internet Archive )
  2. UC Davis Philosophy Department PhDs ( Memento from September 26, 2016 in the Internet Archive )