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Analysis of the partition / folder structure
Basic data

developer WinDirStat team
Publishing year October 1, 2003
Current  version 1.1.2
( July 16, 2005 )
operating system Windows
programming language C ++
category Disk analysis
License GPL ( Free Software )
German speaking Yes

WinDirStat is a free program for Microsoft Windows that analyzes the hard disk structure . The program searches either a partition or a file folder for objects and arranges them accordingly. Large files or large folders with several partial archives can thus be tracked down. WinDirStat is released under the GNU General Public License .

Graphic representation / tree map

After the partition or folder has been successfully searched, the lower area shows how the hard disk is occupied with which files. From WinDirStat This artwork is tree map (after English. Treemapping called). Each file is represented by a rectangle. Files in the same folder are also arranged in rectangles themselves.

A cushion effect is used to make it clear that it belongs to the same folder. Files in the same folder have a common light source. This can be seen in the screenshot of the GCF files (shown in purple).

Directory listing

In addition to the tree map, there is also a directory list in a tree structure that summarizes the relationships in numbers. This can be used to determine which folders require the most space. These folders are shown above. There are other directories in this directory itself. On the one hand, files that combine all files in this folder, and on the other hand, the sub-folders of the folder. Here, this sorted according to size and the value in the columns are part tree-share and share refers to the folder.

Type list

At the top right is the type list, which, sorted according to the size of the occurrence, lists all file types. The following values ​​are recorded:

  • File type
  • Color (same as in the tree map)
  • description
  • Bytes (space that the files with this extension need)
  • % Bytes (portion of the space that the files with this extension require)
  • Files (number of files with this extension)

Similar tools

Individual evidence

  2. Folder Size for Windows Explorer