Windhoek warehouse

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Windhoek warehouse

Windhoek Lager is a beer brewed by the Namibian brewery Namibia Breweries since 1920 according to the German Purity Law , which is especially widespread in Namibia and South Africa . It has been awarded the DLG seal of approval several times .

Since the end of 2009, Windhoek Lager has also been actively marketed in other countries, for example in Kenya , Cameroon , Uganda and Great Britain . The construction of its own brewery is planned in England.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ AZ online - "A fantastic year" - September 25, 2007
  2. AZ online - three in one go: gold-plated NBL beer - February 20, 2008
  3. - List of DLG Awards
  4. Nambrew press release, February 17 and May 19, 2010

Web links

Commons : Windhoek Lager  - Collection of images, videos and audio files