Winfried Bertsch

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Winfried Bertsch (born October 17, 1937 in Lichtenau ) is a German local historian who is best known for his authentic documentaries of the Baden homeland of Lichtenau.

Winfried Bertsch as a technical draftsman in 1960


After his school education in Lichtenau he attended the vocational school in Bühl . In the post-war period he gained experience and training in various professions, which gave him different insights into village life in the region. In 1961 he completed his training as a technical draftsman in Heidelberg . For health reasons, his professional career led into insurance, in which he subsequently established himself as chairman of the district association for insurance salespeople. In his hometown he ran a general agency for decades. Winfried Bertsch and his wife Jeanne have two children and two grandchildren.


As a voluntary member of the contact group Bürger- DOW , he pays attention to environmental and regional aspects of the city in the vicinity of the chemical company. He took on a prominent role in the city's club life. Since 1957 he has been a functionary of the largest regional association with over 800 members , the Turnverein 1864 Lichtenau eV (including the fields of tennis, table tennis, film & photo etc.) From 1976 to 1994 he shaped the lively club life as chairman and since then as honorary chairman. He received special merits in the context of the club house construction in 1992. He led the annual Fasenacht parade, which Bertsch initiated in 1977, for 33 years.

Local history

Since his retirement, he has been paying more attention to his home history and to preserving his historical impressions of the specific Alemannic - Baden dialect. Bertsch collects Lichtenauer words, sayings, stories and historical image documents. He writes stories from memory about life in the village. He published two books, an audio book and numerous other contributions in the Heimatgruss of the Heimatverein “Medicus” in Lichtenau. This is printed in large numbers and sent to all residents and former Lichtenauers worldwide free of charge.


  • That goes uf ke Kuehhutt - Alemannic dialect from Schmiddhaase Winfried. Matthias Bertsch (ed.). Lichtenau: self-published, 2006.
  • A trip to old Lichtenau . A historical picture sheet with Alemannic stories. With numerous pictures from then, yesterday and yesterday from all parts of the city. Matthias Bertsch (Ed.) Lichtenau: Self-published, 2011.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Badisches Tagblatt, December 13, 2006, "Cultivating cross-border dialogue"
  2. ^ Badisches Tagblatt, February 1, 1986, "Badge of Honor for Honorary Office"
  3. Acher and Bühler Bote, January 10, 2004, "The commitment to the community was rewarded with a citizen's medal."
  4. Baden dialect in Lichtenau (Baden) - Alsatian influence.Retrieved October 17, 2011
  5. Mother tongue society . Accessed October 17, 2011
  6. Review  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. the mother tongue society. Accessed October 17, 2011@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /