Winfried Priess

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Winfried Priess (born February 28, 1931 ; † May 8,  2012 ) was a German boxing trainer .


From 1946 Priess boxed at FSV Borussia Kiel-Gaarden (from 1972 called Gymnastics and Sports Association Gaarden ). He also played soccer, handball and table tennis. As a trainer he looked after boxers like Klaus Stockmann, Paul Nitschmann and Uli Kauffmann in Gaarden from 1962. He was also a trainer at the Schleswig-Holstein Amateur Boxing Association (SHABV) until 1994.

In October 1972 Lothar Abend became European champion of professional boxers in super featherweight under his direction.

At the SHABV he was also an instructor from 1975 to 1993, he also acted as a referee. In 1976 he received the Golden Badge of Honor from the SHABV, the Badge of Merit in 1982 and the Badge of Honor in 1987. From 1962 to 2000, Priess was head of the boxing department of FSV Borussia and TuS Garden, and in 1998 he was made an honorary member of the Gaarden gymnastics and sports association. In 1996 he became an honorary member of the SHABV. He was also awarded the Golden Badge of Merit of Germany's Amateur Boxing Youth in 1998. At TuS Gaarden he worked as a boxing trainer until his death.

Individual evidence

  1. a b mourning for honorary member Winfried Priess. In: Sportverein TuS Gaarden eV Kiel - Messages - Archive 2012. Accessed on May 10, 2020 .
  2. a b