Writing workshop

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A writing workshop (also known as a writing workshop) is a teaching and learning method for guided writing in groups. In a writing workshop, the participants should learn writing techniques, especially creative writing , and discuss the writing results with one another. Two main types of writing workshop can be distinguished: In the first form, the texts are created outside and are presented and discussed in the writing workshop. In the second form, the texts are created in the writing workshop itself (also known as the writing group).


The first writing workshops were formed as part of the writing movement in the 1970s . They were and are partly shaped by the principle "Everyone is a writer". Often the goal was to combine literary writing, everyday language and the world of work or everyday life. Today, writing workshops can often be found at adult education centers or on the Internet; in the second variant, text and experience are exchanged in discussion forums .


  • Scientific writing workshops support students in writing seminar, diploma, bachelor or master theses (see final thesis )
  • In literary-oriented writing workshops, the focus is on artistic expression and work on literary products (see creative writing )
  • Writing workshops oriented towards writing therapy support their course participants in individual expression, in self-discovery processes or in dealing with internal conflicts and problems through writing.
  • Historically or regionally oriented groups work on a time-limited project on a specific topic; At the end there is usually a publication that was developed by the group

Such a group meets at regular intervals - often on a weekly basis - to write and present texts together. The writing workshop is usually led by a group leader (or course leader - at an adult education center) who prepares topics and creative methods for the writing workshop.

Scientific writing workshop

Scientific writing workshops arose in the 1990s at various German universities and on the open market. The first facility for academic writing at a university in German-speaking countries is the writing laboratory at Bielefeld University, founded in 1993. Lutz von Werder and Otto Kruse are among the first scientists in Germany to try to teach academic and academic writing at universities and technical colleges. Knowledge of suitable working methods (see also scientific work and learning methods ) facilitate and accelerate good and efficient work and learning significantly. In the sciences , the presentation of results in written form is an essential part of scientific work. Good formulations are based on precise thoughts, apt words (nouns, verbs; technical terms) and good, consistent and logical argumentation.

In the opinion of many writing teachers and psychologists, learning these writing techniques should take place in universities.

Scientific writing workshops are usually characterized by two offers. The basis are courses in which academic and scientific writing is taught at different levels. In addition, one-on-one advice or support for large writing projects (such as diploma theses, dissertations) are often offered. Many commercially oriented academic writing workshops also offer revision and correction.


  • Volker Mayer / Petra Oesterwinter: The BGB exam, a writing workshop . Nomos utb Verlag, Baden-Baden 2016, ISBN 978-3-8252-4608-2 .
  • Lutz von Werder: textbook of creative writing . Marix Verlag, Wiesbaden 2007, ISBN 978-3-86539-148-3 .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Gerd Bräuer: Learning to write , Innsbruck 1998, p. 153
  2. L. v. Werder: Textbook of creative writing , Wiesbaden 2007, p. 19
  3. L. v. Werder: Textbook of creative writing , Wiesbaden 2007, p. 23
  4. L. v. Werder: Textbook of creative writing , Wiesbaden 2007, p. 15