The Mask of Diijon

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Original title The Mask of Diijon
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1945
length 70 minutes
Director Lew Landers
script Griffin Jay ,
Arthur Saint Claire
production Max Alexander ,
Alfred Stern
music Billy Austin ,
Carroll K. Cooper ,
Lee Zahler ,
Lou E. Zoeller
camera Jack Greenhalgh
cut Roy V. Livingston

The Mask of Diijon is a psychological thriller from 1945 with Erich von Stroheim in the title role.


Diijon hires himself out as a variety artist with cheap tricks and gags. His much younger wife Victoria, fed up with the bad treatment by Diijon, begins a relationship with a musician. Offended and driven by creeping madness , Diijon begins to deal with hypnosis . This almost succeeds in influencing his wife in such a way that she shoots her lover in a trance.


Stroheim had fled France back to the USA before the Nazis . During this time he often played in cheap productions like this one or appeared on stage as a substitute for Boris Karloff in the comedy Arsen und Spitzenhäubchen .

The Mask of Diijon is one of the B-films that Stroheim made to stay afloat during the war years in the United States. Stroheim's acting performance and some special effects that were quite well done for the time lift the film above the average of the genre. The hiring of Diijon as a magician also suggests Stroheim's own fate to some extent.

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