Scientific advisory board at the Federal Ministry of Economics

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The Scientific Advisory Board at the Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi) is an organ of experts who advise the Federal Minister on economic policy issues on a voluntary basis.


The advisory board is to advise the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy independently on questions of economic policy. It determines the subject of its deliberations itself and meets six times a year. He communicates the results of his deliberations in the form of expert statements, which are published regularly.


In the final phase of the Second World War , some of the later advisory board members, chaired by Erwin von Beckerath , met from 1943 to prepare for Germany's economic future after the war. This Erwin von Beckerath working group became part of the advisory board founded in early 1948, which was formally constituted in Königstein / Taunus on January 23, 1948 at the invitation of the Administration for Economics of the United Economic Area , the forerunner of the Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy. The advisory board had 17 founding members, including Professors Franz Böhm , Walter Eucken , Alfred Müller-Armack , Oswald von Nell-Breuning , Erich Preiser and Karl Schiller .


Currently (2019) the Advisory Board consists of 38 professors from economics and law. A secretariat in the BMWi manages the advisory board's business.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The name of the Federal Ministry of Economics has changed several times since 1949. Due to the continuity, the current designation Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy was not chosen, as in this case the lemma might have to be changed several times in the future.
  3. Presentation on the BMWi website.Retrieved on July 13, 2016.