Wolfgang Dumbbell-Quitmann

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Wolfgang Hantel-Quitmann (* 1950 in Dortmund ) is a German psychologist and professor for clinical and family psychology at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences .


Hantel-Quitmann grew up in a simple family in Dortmund. He attended high school and graduated from high school on the second chance . From 1970 he studied psychology , political science and journalism at the Free University of Berlin . Since 1974 he gained his first professional experience as a psychologist in the social rehabilitation of psychiatric patients in Berlin for individual care and group work. He worked for several years in the selection department of the German Development Service (DED) (now GIZ) in aptitude diagnostics and personnel selection.

In 1981 he received his doctorate in psychology for psychology in the rehabilitation of the disabled at the Free University of Berlin. In 1982 he became professor for clinical psychology at the HAW-Hamburg. In the 1980s he trained as a couple and family therapist with Virginia Satir and Martin Kirschenbaum .

Since 1989 Hantel-Quitmann has been the head of further training in couple and family counseling and therapy at the HAW-Hamburg. In 1992 another appointment to a professorship for family psychology at the HAW followed.

Since 1977 he has been married to the doctor and psychologist Susanne Quitmann, who works as a medical psychotherapist and couples therapist in reproductive medicine. They have four children together.


Hantel-Quitmann is a member of the editorial board of the magazine Familiendynamik . He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the International Association for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein and of the Oxford Symposium in School-Based Family Counseling at Brasenose Co.


In addition to individual publications and lectures, Hantel-Quitmann published books on the following topics:

  • Textbooks on family psychology and family therapy or family, (Volume 1–4, Freiburg 1996–99),
  • The globalized person. Casting 2004
  • Love affairs - on the psychology of passionate relationships. Giessen 2005
  • Love, everyday life and me - partnership between desire and reality. Freiburg 2006
  • The secret plan of love - to the psychology of partner choice. Freiburg 2007
  • The couples' masks. And what feelings they hide. Freiburg 2008
  • Longing - the insatiable feeling. Stuttgart 2011
  • Basic knowledge of family psychology. Klett-Cotta, 2013, ISBN 9783608947267