World Energy Outlook

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The World Energy Outlook is the annual publication of the International Energy Agency (IEA) in which it provides medium and long-term forecasts of the world energy supply . This mainly relates to the supply of fossil energy ( crude oil and natural gas ). The World Energy Outlook is generally published in two parts. On the one hand, there is a freely accessible short version in various languages, and a long version, which is subject to a fee, lists all sources and tables and goes into great detail on the individual statements.

World Energy Outlook 2008

The World Energy Outlook 2008, presented in London on November 12, 2008, deals with two “urgent current problems in the energy sector”, according to the company. The introduction refers on the one hand to the prospects for oil and gas production. In this area, the IEA has carried out a field-specific analysis of the 800 largest oil fields in the world, and an assessment of the chances of discovering and developing new resources and reserves .

This bottom-up analysis is a departure from the previous procedure of the IEA, which in the past forecast the growing demand for crude oil based on economic growth and population growth, on the premise that this demand is met by the producing countries. In the past, the IEA has made very good forecasts for the period up to the present day.

The fact that the IEA is now adopting a different perspective with a bottom-up analysis and at the same time warns of a possible shortage of the oil supply that is visible from this analysis is remarkable. The core statement in the German summary is that, due to insufficient exploration and investment in new fields, a shortage of available oil could occur from 2010 onwards. The purpose of this warning is to trigger the necessary investments to avoid the scenario mentioned.

On the other hand, scenarios for the period after 2012 address the climate problem . There it is investigated which decisions could be made on the emission side in order not to exceed a carbon dioxide concentration in the earth's atmosphere of 550  ppm or 450 ppm. The effects on prices, investments, air pollution and security of supply are examined. The aim of this analysis is to give the politically responsible options for action.

See also


  • World Energy Outlook 2016 - available for $ 120
  • Summary of the World Energy Outlook 2013 (German) ( PDF )
  • Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map. World Energy Outlook Special Report 2013 (Special report on climate change, German) ( PDF )
  • Summary of the World Energy Outlook 2012 (German) ( PDF )
  • Summary of the World Energy Outlook 2011 (German) ( PDF , 1.6 MB)
  • Summary of the World Energy Outlook 2010 (German) ( PDF , 0.9 MB)
  • Summary of the World Energy Outlook 2009 (German) ( PDF , 2.1 MB)
  • World Energy Outlook: Reports 2008-1994 (English)

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