
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Worldcon (World Science Fiction Convention), traditionally also the Worldcon in Germany , is an annual meeting of the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS). The first Worldcon took place from July 2nd to 4th 1939 on the occasion of the world exhibition in New York . Two more Worldcons took place in the following two years, but the meetings were interrupted during World War II and did not resume until 1946.

The only Worldcon that has taken place in Germany so far (as of 2019) was the 28th World Science Fiction Convention in Heidelberg in 1970 (hence also called Heicon '70 or just Heicon ), which was organized by the Science Fiction Club Germany .

The coveted Hugo Award will be presented at Worldcon .

Individual evidence

  1. What is a Worldcon? Retrieved March 22, 2017 .

Web links

Commons : Worldcon  - collection of images, videos and audio files