Vperjod (Geneva)

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Vperjod "Vorwärts" ( Russian Вперёд , scientific transliteration Vperëd , also Vperyod ) was a Bolshevik newspaper that appeared in Geneva in 1905 under VI Lenin's direction.

The Russian social revolutionary newspaper Vperjod was the faction newspaper of the Bolsheviks after the split in the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Russia (SDLPR) at the Second Party Congress (1903) . The first edition of the paper was published on January 4th, 1905 ( December 22nd, 1904 according to the Julian calendar ) in Geneva. A total of 18 copies were published by May (irregularly).

Editor of the newspapers Vperjod and Proletari (1905)

The editors of the newspapers Vperjod (Forward) and The Proletarian were VI Ulyanov-Lenin , MS Olminsky , AV Lunacharsky , WW Vorovsky , IA Teodorowitsch .

It was published in the same format as Lenin's previous Iskra ("The Funke") newspaper, which was published in Leipzig and Munich (later Geneva) in 1900, and from where it was illegally smuggled into Russia. Lenin left their editorial office in 1904 after the newspaper fell into the hands of the opposing " Mensheviks " party .

The successor of Vperjod was Proletari ("The Proletarian") (May – November 1905), he also appeared in the format of the predecessor.

See also

References and footnotes

  1. . Antiquarian Inlibris Gilhofer Nfg GmbH (Vienna, A, Austria) ( "January May 1905") - accessed on 21 August 2019
  2. Russian Пролетарий , wiss. Transliteration Proletarij
  3. Sergej Mickevič (ed.): Al'bom po istorii VKP / b [album on the history of the WKP / B], Moscow 1926 ( photo : В. И. Ульянов-Ленин, М. С. Ольминский, А. В. Лунач , В. В. Воровский, И. А. Теодорович)


  • Sergej Mickevič (ed.): Al'bom po istorii VKP / b [album on the history of the WKP / B], Moscow 1926
  • Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich: Lenin Works, Volume 8: January - July 1905. Lenin's article from the newspapers "Vperjod" and "Proletari" and documents from III. RSDLP party congress. German edition, obtained from the Institute for Marxism-Leninism at the Central Committee of the SED . With 5 illustrations. Berlin: Dietz, 1958, Volume 8 of the 40-volume edition

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