Wprost (artist group)

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Leszek Sobocki, "Trzy róże wczoraj - trzy róże dzisiaj" (German: Three roses yesterday - three roses today ), oil on canvas, 1977

The Krakow artist group Wprost (Polish: Grupa Wprost ) was founded in 1966. After around 20 exhibitions, it dissolved again in the mid-1980s.


The group was founded by graduates of the painting faculty at the Cracow Academy of Fine Arts . Founding members were Maciej Bieniasz, Zbylut Grzywacz, Barbara Skąpska, Leszek Sobocki and Jacek Waltoś. Skąpska left after a short time. In the founding year, the first joint exhibition took place in the Kraków Art Palace of the Society of Friends of Fine Arts .

During this first exhibition, the group stated:

“Chcemy wyrażać wprost, nie pomijać wielorakich możliwości w plastyce: tematów, symboliki, form znaczących, tworzywa stosowanego dla treści. Każda użyteczna metoda i tworzywo służące ekspresji jest ważne dla wyobraźni, to znaczy - ujawniania kształtu przeżyć. Pokazujemy to, co robimy, swój warsztat, by ujawnić myśli i wyobrażenia w jej bezpośredniej, często pierwszej postaci. "

" We want to express it directly and not ignore the many possibilities of representation: Themes, symbols and forms serve to represent the content. Every sensibly applicable method, every material is important for the reproduction of the idea and the strengthening of the imagination, promotes the experience. We show what we do, our techniques, to reveal thoughts and ideas in their immediate, original form. "

The artists in the group tried to directly (corresponds to the Polish expression “wprost”) to depict feelings and events in the world and history. It was characteristic of the early work of the members to continue the immediate, sometimes brutal Expressionism of Andrzej Wróblewskis, who died young . The group saw their activities as a resistance to the prevailing abstract art in Poland, which primarily followed formal rules and thus deferred content-related statements. Figures and forms should replace formalism and aestheticism . In their works, the members of the group took up social, political and existential issues.

The second exhibition of the group was founded in 1967 in the Cultural Center in Nowa Huta given. The third exhibition (also in 1967) took place in the Warsaw Galeria Współczesna . In doing so, the group received the Polish art critic's award, dedicated to Cyprian Kamil Norwid . In 1984 they also received a prize from the Museum of the Warsaw Archdiocese . Shortly afterwards the group broke up.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andrzej Wróblewski (1927–1957) was a Polish painter and teacher at the Art Academy in Cracow

Web links

  • Ewa Gorządek, Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski , Grupa Wprost at Culture.pl , December 2006 (in Polish, accessed October 12, 2012)


  • Agnieszka Morawińska, Polish painting from the Gothic to the present , Wolfgang Jöhling (transl.), ISBN 83-221-0248-8 , Auriga, Warsaw 1984, p. 61