Wrocławska Stocznia Rzeczna KZ-450

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Wrocławska Stocznia Rzeczna KZ-450 p1
Ship data
Ship type Cargo ship
draft Janusz Stęszewski, Centrum Badawczo-Projektowym Żeglugi Śródlądowej Navicentrum
Shipyard Wrocławska Stocznia Rzeczna , Wroclaw
Construction period 1967 to 1967
Units built 2
Ship dimensions and crew
44.70 m ( Lüa )
width 8.20 m
Draft Max. 3.00 m
displacement 725  t
measurement 499 GRT , 156 NRT
crew 8th
Machine system
machine Six-cylinder SKL - diesel engine
300 hp (221 kW)
9.0 kn (17 km / h)
propeller 1 × fixed propeller
Transport capacities
Load capacity 450 dw

The type KZ-450 was a series of coasters from the Polish shipyard Wrocławska Stocznia Rzeczna in Breslau , of which they built two units for the Żegluga Szczecińska in 1967 .

Construction and technical data

For the Wrocławska Stocznia Rzeczna shipyard located deep inland (also Zacisze river yard , the former Wilhelmsruh hydraulic engineering yard ), the KZ-450 type was the first series of seagoing vessels to be built there. The development came from Janusz Stęszewski from the Centrum Badawczo-Projektowym Żeglugi Śródlądowej Navicentrum ( Eng . "Navicentrum. Research Center for Inland Shipping and Design"). The type designation KZ-450 was derived from the development name Kabotazowiec 450 DWT (German: "450-ton coaster"). The shipyard received the plans for a small freighter, which was equipped with a deckhouse arranged aft above the engine room , two cargo holds and a mast with two cargo booms in between . The ships were designed for the transport of general cargo and bulk cargo . In practice, the design proved to be very stable both under ballast and when loaded.

The ships were 44.70 meters long, 8.20 meters wide and had a draft of 3.00 meters. The measurement was 499 GRT and 156 NRT with a load capacity of 450 tdw . The drive consisted of a 300 hp six-cylinder diesel engine from the heavy machinery manufacturer "Karl Liebknecht" from Magdeburg , type 6NVD36. This acted on a screw and reached a speed of 9.0 knots . The range was 1,800 nautical miles, the crew consisted of 8 people.

Both ships were launched in 1967 in Wroclaw and were towed to Stettin without superstructures or masts, where the Wroclaw shipyard workers completed the ships on a rented part of the Szczecin shipyard.


As the first of the two ships, the shipping company Żegluga Szczecińska put the Flora into service in mid-1967 and the Emilia at the end of 1967 . They were the smallest cargo ships in the Polish merchant navy. It was planned for the two little Kümos to use them in Polish coastal shipping between Stettin and Elbing. Their small size and draft should enable them to enter the small ports. In practice, however, their use ended in failure as there was no cargo and the shipping company could not operate the ships economically. For a while they still transported coal to Denmark, but they were too small and too slow to be used across national borders.

In the second half of the 1970s, the Żegluga Szczecińska handed over both ships to the newly founded shipping company Polska Żegluga Bałtycka (PZB) in 1976 and will thus have anticipated decommissioning. At the PZB, on the other hand, both Kümos were not used. As a result, PZB first took Emilia out of service in 1979 and, in 1981, Flora too . They were then scrapped in the second half of the 1980s.


  • Jan Piwowoński: Flota spod biało-czerwonej [Fleet under white and red] , Nasza Księgarnia Publishing House, Warsaw 1989, ISBN 83-10-08902-3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. History of the "Navicentrum" at zegluga-rzeczna.pl (Polish)
  2. a b c Kabotażowce typu KŻ-450 "Flora" and "Emilia", at naszbaltyk.com
  3. Hanna Wieczorek: Po Stoczni Rzecznej Zacisze dzisiaj pozostało tylko kilka budynków oraz ciekawa i pełna niespodzianek historia (German: "Surprising history of the Zacisze shipyard") at gazetawroclawska.pl (Polish)
  4. cf. M / S Flora at Facta Nautica
  5. Piwowonski, p 164