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Wummy, the good elephant , (formerly Elefanten-Zeitung , Der gute Elefant ), was a children's magazine from the shoe retailer Gustav Hoffmann of the Elefanten-Schuh brand .

Elephant newspaper

In 1933 the “Elefanten-Zeitung” appeared monthly as a “house message”, which was distributed to children free of charge through shoe retailers. The Düsseldorf painter Rudi vom Endt was responsible for the overall design of the booklets. Vom Endt took the “elephant shoe” brand as the theme of the booklet and created the image of the strong, everywhere helping elephant shoe with the protagonists Captain Pump (a large elephant) and Knix and Knax (two small elephants), who together in the comics Helping the heroes of the comics out of distress and thus signaling the superiority of the elephant shoe.

The magazine was printed by Verlag Bildgut GmbH and consisted of 16 pages.

The good elephant

The Elefanten-Zeitung changed its appearance and the names of the elephants in the course of time. This is how Captain Pump and Knix and Knax later became the “Good Elephant” . Under this title, the magazine appeared as an advertising medium from 1950. The circulation was increased to 250,000 copies per month. Its publication was discontinued at the end of 1967.

Wummy, the good elephant

After a short break, the first edition of Wummy, the good elephant , appeared on October 1st, 1969 . Wummy, the red elephant, was already known through advertisements and television commercials at this point . The concept of the advertising leaflet did not change significantly until it was discontinued: Comics supplemented by a mixture of health tips, jokes, puzzles and games. Wummy, the good elephant was hired in the 1980s.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. KSM News | Klever Schuh Museum (KSM). Retrieved October 10, 2018 (German).
  2. Elefanten-Zeitung - advertising children's newspaper, 1934-41. Retrieved October 10, 2018 .