Throwing party

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Litter in the coat of arms of Stubenberg (noble family)

The throwing party , also throwing beard , is a common figure in heraldry and corresponds to the natural knight's weapon. This weapon on a rope was used to tear the opposing rider from his horse.

Confusion or attempted reinterpretations with the anchor or the wolf fishing rod are unheraldic. An anchor is characterized by the presence of a so-called sponge wood and a wolf tang with a similar representation always has a chain.

The throwing part is always directed with the rope eyelet and the rope towards the base of the shield . All heraldic colors are permitted.

The figure is more likely to be found in the coats of arms of noble families , such as von Lüderitz or the Tornow family , than in city coats of arms.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Gert Oswald : Lexicon of Heraldry. Bibliographical Institute, Leipzig 1984.