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XDCC (abbreviation for Xabi DCC ) was initially a script for ircII , which was written in 1994 by Xabier Vázquez and which extends the ircII DCC command.

Nowadays XDCC refers to IRC - bots that access to file servers provide. XDCC bots usually offer one or more files for download using the DCC protocol .

Unlike peer-to-peer file transfers, XDCC is often hosted on connections over strong upstream bandwidths . These are often servers with a fast connection that are also used for websites or company networks.

In order to be able to use XDCC, one writes a private message to a bot with an IRC client and asks which files it makes available for download (this feature is, however, often deactivated in order to reduce the load on the XDCC bots). When a user wants to download a packet, it sends a message to the bot, which then either starts sending a packet or the user in a queue (Engl. Queue ) enqueues.

User commands for XDCC bots

Commands are passed to the bot via msg (normal text message) or CTCP . All of these commands follow a preceding "xdcc" (example:) /msg botname xdcc send #1:

  • list : Request file list
  • send # <number of the packet> : request a packet
  • stop : stop the file list
  • cancel : cancel transfer
  • remove : remove requested packages

search engines

Similar to BitTorrent, there are separate search engines for the IRC network, which index XDCC channels and bots in a targeted manner and thus make it much easier to use. Currently popular are z. B. SunXDCC and ixIRC .

Web links


XDCC software

XDCC search engines