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Xekinima ( Greek Ξεκίνημα 'movement') is a Trotskyist organization and Greek section of the Committee for a Workers' International (CWI).


Xekinima was founded in 1974 after the end of the colonel's regime in Greece by student activists who, in their view, disagreed with the reformist policies of the social democratic PASOK and the Stalinist KKE . According to the entristic doctrine of the CWI, the organization was active until the early 1990s within PASOK as an opposition group that wanted to initiate a left-wing turn of the party. After the failure of this entry strategy, Xekinima turned to the left-wing radical party alliance SYRIZA , founded in 2004 , which she left again in 2011, although she continues to work with him. Through electoral alliances with Syriza and, since 2015, their separation from LAE and ANTARSYA , members of Xekinima were elected to some local parliaments, including in Volos .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Erik Eberhard: Revolution and counterrevolution in Greece. AGM Verlag Vienna 2005. P. 322ff.
  2. ^ Karl Heinz Roth, et al .: Preventing the catastrophe: Manifesto for an egalitarian Europe. Hamburg 2013 p. 97.
  3. ^ Socialism.info of June 17, 2011: "Greece:" Xekinima "leaves SYRIZA"