Ximena Martínez de Pérez

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Ximena Martínez de Pérez (* 1941 ) is a retired Ecuadorian diplomat .


She holds a degree in International Relations from the Universidad Central del Ecuador and studied International at the University of Geneva .

In 1966 she entered the foreign service and was employed on the mission at the UN headquarters until 1968 . From 1976 to 1982 she was Permanent Representative of the Ecuadorian Government to the United Nations Office in Geneva . From 1982 to 1985 she headed the Department of Economic Development and Natural Resources at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1987 she was Chargé d'affaires in London. From March 30, 1992 to February 1995, she was ambassador to Caracas . From 1997 to 2002 she was ambassador to Moscow . On October 11, 2003, she was appointed director of the Corporación de Promoción de Exportaciones e Inversiones (Corpei) , ( German  foreign trade promotion ) in Quito.

She has held positions such as the Undersecretariat of State for International Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Executive Secretariat of the Ecuadorian Pacific Basin Committee, and Director General for Economic Development at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Individual evidence

  1. Химена: МАРТИНЕС де ПЕРЕС. Родилась in 1941 году. Окончила Центральный университет г. Кито по специальности международные отношения. Стажировалась по международной проблематике в исследовательских центрах Женевы их их иститих ихарах ихародной выслематике. Стажировалась по международной проблематике в исследовательских центрах Женевы и и коментрах. } дипломатической службе с 1966 годаВ 1966—1968 годах была постоянным представителем Эквадора при Оаен82, вехн82, ве1982, 1976 в 1982— 1985 годах занимала должности директора отделов экономического развития и сырьевых товаров МИД. compare: Международные отношения, Дипломатический вестник, 1997, [1] p. 59
  2. La Hora (Ecuador) , October 11, 2003, [2]
predecessor Office successor
José Ricardo Martinez Cobo Permanent representative of the Ecuadorian government to the United Nations Office in Geneva from
1976 to 1982
Eduardo Santos Alvite
Mauricio Gándara Gallegos Ecuadorian Chargé d'affaires in London
José Antonio Correa
Francisco Huerta Montalvo Ecuadorian Ambassador in Caracas
March 30, 1992 to February 1995
Julio Correa Paredes
Juan Salazar Sancisi Ecuadorian ambassador to Moscow from
1997 to 2002
Alvaro Roberto Ponce Alvarado