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crushed skull fossil of Xiphiorhynchus

crushed skull fossil of Xiphiorhynchus

Temporal occurrence
Lutetium ( Eocene ) to Piacenzium ( Pliocene )
47.8 to 2.588 million years
  • Europe
  • Egypt
  • United States
  • Peru (Pisco Formation)
Swordfish relatives (Xiphioidea)
Scientific name of the  subfamily
Regan , 1909
Scientific name of the  genus
van Beneden , 1871

Xiphiorhynchus is an extinct but long-lived genus of fish from the swordfish family (Xiphiidae). Everythingknownabout Xiphiorhynchus is based on fragmented and poorly preserved fossils. Of the nine species described so far, six are only known by their holotype , five only by a single fragment of a rostrum and one only by a few vertebrae. Two holotypes have since been lost again ( X. homalorhamphus and X. hungaricus ). Only X. priscus is known to have a skull.


Xiphiorhynchus had a sword-like upper jaw rust, which was round to oval in cross-section and set on its underside with brush-shaped teeth. Inside the rostrum were two pairs of longitudinal channels, the upper pair being closer to the center line of the rostrum than the lower pair. The lower jaw is strong and the same length as or shorter than the upper jaw rust.

Way of life

Xiphiorhynchus was probably a predatory fish that inhabited the coastal regions of tropical seas. A few specimens of X. priscus and the holotype of X. kimblalocki were found in offshore deposits .


Nine species have been described so far . In addition, a tenth, previously undescribed species is known ( X. Cf. eocaenicus (Woodward, 1901), USA).

  • X. aegypticus (Hamlet, 1929), Egypt
  • X. elegans (van Beneden, 1871)
  • X. eocaenicus (Woodward, 1901), England
  • X. priscus (Agassiz, 1844), USA
  • X. homalorhamphus (Cope, 1869)
  • X. kimblalocki (Fierstine & Applegate, 1974), USA
  • X. rupeliensis (Leriche, 1909), Belgium
  • X. hungaricus (Hamlet, 1943), Hungary
  • X. rotundus (Woodward, 1901), United States


Xiphiorhynchus is closely related to the recent swordfish and is assigned to the monogeneric subfamily Xiphiorhynchinae within the family Xiphiidae .


  • Harry L. Fierstine: Fossil History of Billfishes (Xiphioidei). In: Bulletin of Marine Science. Volume 79, No. 3, January 2006, pp. 433-453 ( abstract ).

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