
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Xplor is an international professional association founded in 1981 for users and manufacturers in the field of high-volume digital printing and document management . The more than 2000 members in 1500 companies and organizations are divided into chapters and regions in over 35 countries.

The goals of the association are

  • Training and provision of information on topics in the industry;
  • Networking to share experiences among members;
  • Forums for the exchange of ideas and solutions between users and manufacturers.

The situation in the German-speaking countries

The "Central European Region" with nearly 500 members in German-speaking countries was represented by in Offenbach am Main registered association "German Xplor e. V. "(today" DOXNET eV ").

In addition to smaller regional events, the association has been organizing an annual three-day conference since 2001, which has been held in Baden-Baden in June since 2003 . It is aimed at decision-makers in the industry with specialist lectures and an exhibition.

With two special forums for

  • Print center operator (production of at least 1 million digital print pages per month) and
  • Document sender (at least 1 million mailings per month)

the organization bundles the interests of users vis-à-vis manufacturers and mail distribution companies.

Separation of the German-speaking association from the parent association

After "Xplor international" sold the logo in the summer of 2007 due to financial difficulties, differences arose between the umbrella organization and the financially strong German offshoot with regard to the use of the name. As a result, the “Deutsche Xplor e. V. ”changed its name to“ DOXNET eV ”without losing any members.

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