Yūji Ashimoto

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Yūji Ashimoto Ski jumping
nation JapanJapan Japan
birthday 20th century
National squad since 1992
status resigned
End of career 1994
Ski jumping world cup / A class jumping
 Debut in the World Cup December 20, 1992
 Overall World Cup 32nd ( 1992/93 )
 Podium placements 1. 2. 3.
 Single jump 0 0 1
 Team jumping 0 0 1

Yūji Ashimoto ( Japanese 葦 本 祐 二 , Ashimoto Yūji ) is a former Japanese ski jumper .


On December 20, 1992 Ashimoto made his debut in the ski jumping World Cup . In Sapporo he achieved his first World Cup points with 12th place in his first competition. Four weeks later he was able to achieve his first podium placement in Predazzo jumping from the large hill. In the team competition one day later he was able to achieve this placement together with Akira Higashi , Masahiko Harada and Noriaki Kasai .

For the 1993/94 season, Ashimoto started in the Ski Jumping Continental Cup . He was able to achieve 95th place in the overall standings with 70 points. In January 1994 he took part in two World Cup competitions in Sapporo, but was unsuccessful. After the end of the season, Ashimoto ended his active ski jumping career.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 連載 38 記録 に 見 る 日本 の ス キ ー 競技 史 1923 年 、 日本 の ス キ ー 競技 は は じ ま っ た . (No longer available online.) Ski Association of Japan, April 22, 2009, archived from the original on March 3, 2013 ; Retrieved June 21, 2009 (Japanese).