Yūto Tonokawa

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Yūto Tonokawa ( Japanese 都 乃 河 勇 人 , Tonokawa Yūto ; * January 25 ) is the pseudonym of a Japanese author who works for the game developer Key , part of Visual Art’s , on the development and revision of the game scenarios.


Yūto Tonokawa wrote his first short stories in middle school. Still, he announced that he had never read much and that during his time in middle school he was mostly concerned with light novels and modern literature. In high school he began reading the works of the philosophers Søren Kierkegaard and Ludwig Wittgenstein and the Japanese folklorists Kunio Yanagita and Shinobu Orikuchi . At the time he toyed with the idea of ​​becoming a seiyū or mangaka , but then decided to become a story writer. While still at school, Yūto experimented with the KiriKiri game engine and created his first Japanese adventure game , which, however, had neither graphics nor music. He called this a valuable experience because it would have shown how different the writing style would be from that of a normal story.

At first he worked at Visual Art’s in a little-known team. However, when Jun Maeda from Key was looking for another writer, the lucky opportunity arose for him to join this team, which he had willingly accepted. Previously, after completing his studies, he had only been offered the opportunity to work as an external scribe. This eventually made him a Key scenario writer. He had attracted attention because of a 600-page résumé that also contained a story about a female character.

Since August 2005 he has been working for Key on various works and finally took over the role of the outgoing Jun Maeda in Key Rewrite's eighth work . In addition to his occupation as a writer, he is also in closer contact with the fans through Key's official blog.


After joining Key, he started out troubleshooting Tomoyo After - It's a Wonderful Life . He later expanded the game to include additional scenarios for Takafumi and Kanako, which were added to the PlayStation 2 version of the game.

His first major assignment was helping develop Key's sixth game, Little Busters! . For this he wrote the plot sections of the two main characters Komari Kamikita and Yuiko Kurugaya. He also worked on the plot of Sasami Sasasegawa in Little Busters! Ecstasy out.

His first work as a songwriter was the title Alicemagic , which appeared in Little Busters! Ecstasy was used as credits.

In addition to Romeo Tanaka and Ryūkishi07 , he was one of the three scriptwriters on the game Rewrite , and its sequel Rewrite Harvest festa! .

Individual evidence

  1. Yūto Tonokawa: 質問 の 回答 日誌 . In: Visual Art's / Key staff blog. July 7, 2008, accessed November 3, 2009 (Japanese): " 小説 と い う も の を 書 き 始 め た の は は 中 学校 学校 の 頃 で し ょ う か か。 は は 今 で 言 う SS SS し っ た は 主 で 本 の の レ レ で 編 の の が レ 主 で ル の の レ 編 の の実はあまり読まないのですが,中学の頃はラノベや近代文学,高校の頃は図書室にあっても誰も読まないようなキルケゴールとかヴィトゲンシュタインの哲学書や,柳田國男,折口信夫の民俗学 と か の 本 を 読 み 漁 っ て い ま し た。
  2. Yūto Tonokawa: 質問 の 回答 日誌 . In: Visual Art's / Key staff blog. July 7, 2008, accessed November 3, 2009 (Japanese): “ 学生 時代 は 、 吉里吉 里 と い う エ ン ジ ン を 使 っ て 、 自主 自主 制作 の ノ ベ ル ゲ ー ム を 作 っ て い ま し た。 至 が は ら 音 残念 が は ら ら 残念 が は ら ら 残念 が は ら ら 残念 が は ら ら 残念 が は ら 音 残念 が は ら 残念 が は ら 残念 が は らませんでしたが,これがとても役に立ってます.実際にゲームを作っておくと,スクリプトや表示形式など,基盤になることが理解できますので...小説とシナリオの文体の差異なども,肌で実 感 で き る と 思 い ま す。 "
  3. Yūto Tonokawa: 質問 の 回答 日誌 . In: Visual Art's / Key staff blog. July 7th 2008, accessed November 3, 2009 (Japanese) " .実は当初はKeyではなくビジュアルアーツのほかのブランドの募集に応募していたのですそれがちょうどライターを探していた麻枝さんの目に 止 ま り 、 Key で 仕事 を し な い か と 声 を 掛 け け て い た だ き ま し た。
  4. Yūto Tonokawa: 質問 の 回答 日誌 . In: Visual Art's / Key staff blog. July 7, 2008, accessed November 3, 2009 (Japanese): " 直接 の 経 緯 は 、 ビ ジ ュ ア ル ア ー ツ へ の 応 募 作 が 審査 の 方 方 の 目 に 留 ま っ た こ と で す。 ち な 募 募 の 枚 は な 募 の 枚 は な な 募 の 枚 応 応 募 の 応 応し か も 少女 が 主人公 の 小説 と い う 業界 で は 在 り 得 な い も の で し た。。 そ の 後 ち ゃ ん と と 別 に 正式 な 応 募 作 を 作 っ て あ り ま す。
  5. 都 乃 河 勇 人 . Archived from the original on June 27, 2013 ; Retrieved November 3, 2009 (Japanese).
  6. Rewrite. Key, accessed March 25, 2012 (Japanese).
  7. Rewrite Harvest festa! Key, accessed March 25, 2012 (Japanese).

Web links