Yamashiro Tomoe

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Yamashiro Tomoe

Yamashiro Tomoe ( Japanese 山 代 巴 ; born June 8, 1912 as Tokumo Tomoe ( 徳 毛 巴 ); † November 7, 2004 ) was a Japanese writer.

Yamashiro Tomoe attended the girls' art school in Tokyo (today: Joshibi Art College ), but she dropped out. She was married to the communist activist Yamashiro Yoshimune , who died in custody in 1945. Her novels focused on the fate of poor rural women. Her main works include Fuki no tō ( 蕗 の と う ; 1948), Niguruma no uta ( 荷 車 の 歌 ; 1955) and the ten-volume novel Toraware no onnatachi ( 囚 わ れ の 女 た ち ; 1980).


  1. a b 山 代 巴 . In: デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + Plus at kotobank.jp. Retrieved April 20, 2014 (Japanese).