Yayo Herrero

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Yayo Herrero

Yayo Herrero López (* 1965 in Madrid ) is a Spanish social anthropologist, engineer, professor and ecofeminist . She is currently one of the most influential researchers of ecofeminism and eco-socialism in Europe.


Yayo Herrero has a degree in social and cultural anthropology, agricultural engineering, social sciences and an MAS in educational sciences . She was the state coordinator of Ecologistas en Acción , a Spanish grassroots association of around 300 ecological groups that was founded on December 9, 1998. In addition, she has already participated in numerous social campaigns for human rights and more sustainability .

She is currently employed as a professor at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia , the only state university in Spain that offers distance learning courses, and she is the director general of the non-governmental organization FUHEM. Yayo Herrero works regularly with media such as B. the Spanish online newspaper eldiario.es .


Herrero's research focuses on the current ecological crisis , derived from the expanding capitalist production model. In her work she argues that capitalism is inconceivable without economic growth , but that in our physical world resources are limited and that growth cannot be expanded indefinitely. Furthermore, she emphasizes that in an economic model that is solely geared towards profit, the number of jobs declared as superfluous will continue to increase and the work done in the agricultural sector and the reproductive sector will hardly be given adequate remuneration and state subsidies.

She therefore sees the only solution as the transformation to an alternative economic model that has the inclusion of all people in mind and is entirely based on the capacity of renewable raw materials .


  • Decrecimiento y mujeres. Cuidar: Una práctica política anticapitalista y antipatriarcal. In: Decrecimientos , 2010.
  • Menos para vivir mejor: reflections sobre el necesario decrecimiento de la presión sobre los sistemas naturales. In: El Ecologista , 2010.
  • ¿Dominio o cuidado de la tierra? In: Éxodo , 2011.
  • Golpe de estado en la biosfera: los ecosistemas al servicio del capital. In: Investigaciones feministas: papeles de estudios de mujeres, feministas y de género , 2011.
  • Miradas ecofeministas para transitar a un mundo justo y sostenible. In: Revista de economía crítica , 2013.
  • Por una recuperación de la condición humana en un planeta con límites. In: Documentación social , 2013.
  • Apuntes introductorios sobre el Ecofeminismo. In: Boletín del Centro de Documentación Hegoa , 2015.
  • Ecologismo: una cuestión de límites. In: Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales , 2016.
  • La gran encrucijada. At the same time as the crisis ecosocial and the cambio de ciclo histórico. In: Libros en Acción , 2016.

Individual evidence

  1. Las ocho mujeres españolas más influyentes en la protección del medio ambiente . In: La Vanguardia . (Spanish, lavanguardia.com [accessed March 22, 2018]).
  2. Cambio en la Dirección General de FUHEM. Retrieved March 22, 2018 (Spanish).
  3. Yayo Herrero. Retrieved March 22, 2018 (Spanish).
  4. ^ Yayo Herrero: Ecologismo: una cuestión de límites . In: Encrucijadas - Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales . tape 11 , no. 0 , June 30, 2016, ISSN  2174-6753 , p. 1101 (Spanish, encrucijadas.org [accessed March 22, 2018]).
  5. Yayo Herrero: Producir y trabajar para mantener la vida humana. (PDF) Retrieved March 22, 2018 (pdf, Spanish).
  6. FUHEM: Yayo Herrero: Propuestas ecofeministas para transitar a un mundo justo y sostenible. July 18, 2013, Retrieved March 22, 2018 (Spanish).