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Yesebokheamani was a Nubian king.

supporting documents

So far it is only known from four short Meroitic inscriptions: on a lion figure from Qasr Ibrim , on two inscriptions on Hadrian's Gate on Philae and on a stele from the so-called lion temple in Meroe . It probably dates to the late third century AD.

See also


  • Jochen Hallof: Yesbokheamani-the lion of Qasr Ibrim. In: Journal of Egyptian Archeology. Vol. 89, 2003, pp. 251-254, ISSN  0075-4234 .
  • László Török : From the first to the sixth century AD (= Fontes Historiae Nubiorum: textual sources for the history of the Middle Nile Region between the eighth century BC and the sixth century AD. Vol. 3). Institutt for klassik filologi, russisk og religionsvitenskap (IKFRR), Bergen 1998, ISBN 82-91626-07-3 , pp. 1049-1050.