Yogi Hari

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Shri Yogi Hari

Yogi Hari (born June 22, 1945 in Guayana ) is a yoga teacher . He teaches the so-called Yoga of Abundance ( Sampoorna Yoga ) and comes from the Sivananda line.


Yogi Hari grew up in poor conditions in Guiana . He is the only one from his village to have completed a high school career and studied surveying . At the age of 22 he was classified as medically exhausted due to a long treatment with penicillin. By chance he came into contact with yoga. There he recognized his calling: the practice and teaching of yoga. He practiced Hatha Yoga intensively for eight years and was able to recover completely. At the same time his longing for spiritual knowledge grew. When he met his gurus , Swami Vishnudevananda and the music master Swami Nadabrahmananda , in 1975 , he withdrew from worldly life and spent seven years in his guru's ashram, where he practiced sadhana intensively . Yogi Hari learned Nada Yoga from Swami Nadabrahmananda for 15 years . He has written textbooks and released over 45 CDs and several DVDs.


In his own view, Sampoorna Yoga is the result of Yogi Hari's pursuit of perfection in his practice and teachings. It is a yoga of abundance, which through the combination of Hatha , Raja , Karma , Bhakti , Jnana and Nada Yoga is supposed to purify and harmonize aspects of the human personality so that the light of the soul can shine. The essence of his teaching is that there is health, peace and joy in people.


  • Marcel Anders-Hoepgen: Hatha Yoga textbook: Sampoorna Hatha Yoga; Perfection in motion; the 150 best exercises. Photos: Karsten Kupping, Systemed, Lünen 2010, ISBN 978-3-927372-53-5 .

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