Yunya monastery

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The Yunya Monastery ( Chinese  云 崖 寺 , Pinyin Yúnyá sì , English Yunya temple ) in Zhuanglang County , Gansu Province , China, is located between the eastern part of Zhuanglang County and the end of Guan Mountain, which is at the western foot of the Liupan Mountains heard.

The Buddhist monastery from the Northern Wei Dynasty is famous for its cave temples (Yunyasi shiku 云 崖 寺 石窟), which date back to the Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties .

Since 2006, the Yunya Monastery (Yunya si) and the Chenjiadong Grottoes (Chenjia dong shiku 陈家 洞 石窟) have been on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China in Gansu (6-868).

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