Yvonne van Acht

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Yvonne van Acht , with real surname Wötzel (* 1975 in Aue - Schlema in Saxony ) is a German painter , graphic artist and writer .


At the age of eleven she took part in a special support program for young artists in the areas of painting and drawing in what was then the GDR . She completed her artistic training at the Maastricht Art Academy in the Netherlands and the free academy in Essen , where she received her academy certificate as a master class student. Extended study trips to South America shaped the strong narrative motivation in her art.

In her art, extraordinary, difficult to define feelings are expressed from deep within, which Yvonne van Acht gives her own visual aesthetics through her occupation with philosophy and aesthetics . Her pictorial inventions are reminiscent of Latin American artists such as Frieda Kahlo and Diego Rivera . The seemingly contradicting motifs and techniques of drawing and painting combine to create a harmonious picture idea. In her representational painting, the motifs light up like a reality. In her pictures she works with quotes from art history. The artist develops this juxtaposition of adopted figures and architectures and self-composed image backgrounds into her own visual language with the medium of painting and drawing. The artist only uses shades for the apparent plasticity. The figures in Yvonne van Acht's pictures appear illuminated as if transparent, translucent, especially because of the graphic element. In the vernacular, ghosts are thought to be shadowless. For CG Jung , the shadow means the summary of the hidden, repressed sides of one's own person, of the personal unconscious. Here the artist opens the shadowless in the greatest possible, colored brightness that does not appear threatening. Through the drawing, the spiritual figures of Yvonne van Acht acquire an essence, a core. They appear like leafless trees, rooted in the pictorial space, devoid of shadow, in perfect lines. The artist uses oil paint for her motifs. In drawing she prefers ink and watercolors. The artist also uses graphite pencil, charcoal and oil pastel chalk in her artistic work. In 2011 “ Der Brockhaus ” was designed by Yvonne van Acht.

In 2014 she published her first book, "The Guardians of the Seven Star - Zero". This book is the prelude to a mystical fantasy trilogy. As in her art, Yvonne van Acht combines thoughts and motifs from east-west philosophy and mythology, as well as mysticism and alchemy.

Solo exhibitions

  • 2006: Academy of Fine Arts, Tianjin, China
  • 2008: Kunstraum, Gewerbepark Süd, Städt. Hilden Gallery
  • 2009: “Human Development”, Soura Art Gallery, Bad Honnef
  • 2010: "The Seven Virtues" City of Verl
  • 2011: “The Becoming of Heroes”, Lütze Museum , Sindelfingen; "Zeitgeist", Kunsthalle Osnabrück
  • 2013: "West-East, Myths & Poesie" with Ren Rong, Art Galerie 7, Cologne


  • 2009: “Incarnation” in Bad Honnef
  • 2011: "Zeitgeist", Kunsthalle Osnabrück



  • 2005: German Media Prize for Art
  • 2006: Finalist at the ARTFAIR Partner Art Award
  • 2008: 2nd prize in the "Olympic Sport and Art" art competition of the IOC ( International Olympic Committee )

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