ZIB 2 History

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Television broadcast
Original title ZIB 2 History
Country of production Austria
original language German
Year (s) since 2014
length approx. 25-40 minutes
Episodes 11
genre documentation
Theme music Melody of Time in Pictures (ZIB 2)
Moderation Lou Lorenz-Dittlbacher
Armin Wolf
First broadcast June 27, 2014 on ORF 2

ZIB 2 History is a series of programs by the ORF that recalls events that have had a prominent influence on world events. The program was broadcast for the first time on June 27, 2014 on the occasion of the attack in Sarajevo on the eve of the 100th anniversary. Other topics to commemorate milestone anniversaries followed.


The program always presents world events with a reference to Austria in the historical daily events. For example, the program reported on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain from the border between Sankt Margarethen in Burgenland and Sopron ( Hungary ) and reminded the GDR citizens, who were able to cross the border of the Eastern Bloc countries in large numbers for the first time at this point on vacation before the wall came down . The programs also focus on the presentation of the background and context, as well as their historical classification. Sometimes there are also important secondary aspects, such as For example, on the occasion of the broadcast 80 Years of the Beginning of the Second World War, the question of how the memories of the less and less living contemporary witnesses can be kept alive in the next generations.


The concept is based on the idea of ​​creating a documentation using the stylistic devices of the ZIB 2 news program ( time in the picture ). The program is always broadcast after ZIB 2 and is often included in a higher-level program focus of the day, to which other programs such as the "Kulturmontag" program, the report and other programs and documentaries on related topics, such as For example, in 2019, following the program 80 Years of the Beginning of the Second World War with reference to the November pogroms, the drama The Diary of Anne Frank .

The moderation is always relocated outside the studio to a historical location. From there, the main presenter of the program switches to various other locations, from where ORF correspondents come in and comment on various aspects of the topic to which their location is connected. In addition, interviews are conducted either with living contemporary witnesses or with historians who are related to the topic.

Previous editions

  • June 27, 2014: "Assassination attempt in Sarajevo 100 years ago" from Schönbrunn
  • November 7th, 2014: “25 Years Fall of the Berlin Wall” from Berlin
  • May 8, 2015: “70 years of the end of the war” from Mauthausen
  • October 23, 2015: "60 Years of Neutrality" from the Vienna Parliament
  • June 28, 2016: "1991 - War on Austria's borders" from Spielfeld
  • October 23, 2016: "1956 - Uprising and Flight, Hungary and Austria" from Budapest
  • March 24, 2017: "60 years of the Treaties of Rome - live from Rome"
  • October 31, 2017: "500 years of the Reformation" from the Evangelical School on Karlsplatz
  • March 15, 2018: "Hitler on Heldenplatz" from the balcony of the new Hofburg on Heldenplatz in Vienna
  • February 21, 2019: “Half the deal? From women's suffrage to equality "
  • June 26, 2019: "1989 - The Path to Freedom: The Fall of the Iron Curtain" from the Hungarian border
  • November 3, 2019: "1939: Victims, perpetrators and memory"

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Example: Assassination attempt in Sarajevo 100 years ago tv.de
  2. TV program in Munich No. 13/2014, June 24, 2014, archived at issuu.com. P. 60
  3. OTS press release from June 25, 2019
  4. a b Contemporary history focus on the November pogroms and 80 years of the Second World War with “ZIB 2 History” and “Diary of Anne Frank”. OTS press release, October 31, 2019
  5. ORF program focus “30 years of the fall of the iron curtain”. OTS press release from June 18, 2019