Zakir Bağırov

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Zakir Bağırov (also: Bağırov Zakir Cavad oğlu , Russian Закир Джавад оглы Багиров * 16th March 1916 in Shusha , Governorate Elisabethpol, Russian Empire, † 8. January 1996 in Baku , Azerbaijan ) was a Soviet-Azerbaijani composer , music educator and music functionary .


Zakir Bağırov studied at the Azerbaijan State Conservatory in Baku from 1932. In 1935 he went to Moscow to study at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory . He volunteered for military service. After World War II he went back to Moscow to attend the Conservatory and graduated in 1949. Then he went to Baku and taught at the Azerbaijan State Conservatory, where he worked as a lecturer. In 1970 he became head of the music theory department and held this chair for ten years. He also made an important contribution to the collection and documentation of Azerbaijani folk music. He is one of the authors of an Azerbaijani folk dance collection published in 1951. In 1935 he wrote together with the composer Tofiq Quliyev (1917-2000) the Mughame Rast , Dügah and Segah-zabul. Since 1950 he was a member of the Azerbaijani Society of Composers. He was later elected to the board. He was the artistic director of the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic and the Committee for Radio and Television, as well as the chairman of the Azerbaijan Music Foundation. In 1960 he received the honorary title of People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR. He was also awarded the Şrəf order .


Zakir Bağırov wrote three operas, including Aygün from 1972 and Qoca Xattabıç as well as the two operettas Qayınana and Kəndimizin səsi. Kəndimizin səsi was written in 1958, Qayınana with the text by the Azerbaijani dramaturge Məcid Şamxalov (1907–1984) in 1974. The operetta also became very popular outside the Azerbaijani SSR. It was successfully performed in the Central Asian republics and Bulgaria. She received a special prize in a Soviet competition. The film version was also very successful. In 1970 he wrote a piano concerto of symphonic music. In addition to a concerto for tar and orchestra, he composed a suite in 1956 and 1969 for an orchestra with folk instruments. He created songs and romances as well as chamber music. Below is a harp solo on the Mugham Çahargah. He also wrote music for theater and film.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Üzeyir bəyin tələbəsi Zakir Bağırov. In: . Retrieved November 8, 2019 (Azerbaijani).
  2. a b c d Zakir Bağırov. In: . Azərbaycan Bəstəkarlar İttifaqı, accessed November 7, 2019 (Azerbaijani).
  3. a b Bağırov Zakir Cavad oğlu. In: . Bakı Musiqi Akademiyası, accessed November 8, 2019 (Azerbaijani).
  4. Bagırov Zakir Cavad oğlu. In: . Bakı Musiqi Akademiyası - Retrieved November 7, 2019 (Azerbaijani).