Zamostje 2

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Zamostje 2 is the name of an archaeological site on the western bank of the Dubna, south of the confluence of the Sulat in Sergijewo-Posadski Rajon in Moscow Oblast .

An international team of archaeologists discovered there in the 1980s more than 7,500 year old seine nets and fish fences . The seine nets and fish traps show great complexity. They are among the oldest fishing equipment in Europe. Zamostje 2 contains archaeological horizons from the Middle and Neolithic .

The Mesolithic people hunted in summer and winter stand wild , fishing they exercised in the spring and early summer and the harvest of wild berries and fruits in late summer and autumn. Fishing played an important role. The product was easy to obtain and could be preserved by drying and smoking. The team also dug hooks, harpoons, and needles for making and repairing nets, net sinkers and floats, and knives made from elk ribs to cut and clean the fish.

The equipment shows a highly developed technology for the different fishing techniques. Two large wooden fish fences made of pine poles interwoven with wicker are very well preserved. They are among the oldest such objects and some of the best preserved organic materials as some connecting ropes made from plant fibers still exist.

Individual evidence

  1. pdf Find report: "Late Mesolithic – Early Neolithic human adaptation to environmental changes at an ancient lake shore: The multi-layer Zamostje 2 site, Dubna River floodplain, Central Russia", page 9, Fig. 5

Web links

Coordinates: 56 ° 40 ′ 42.4 "  N , 38 ° 0 ′ 45.7"  E