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Zawady is a Polish place name.

The name is probably derived from the Slavic word zawada for '(an) obstacle'. Therefore, after 1945 the Masurian place names Sawadden were also translated back into Polish as Zawada or Zawady . These two place names appear around 40 more times in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship across Poland, making it one of the most common Polish place names. In the course of the massive Germanization of Masurian place names, but also with the aim of reducing duplication of place names, the places in East Prussia with the name Sawadden were all given new place names in 1938 .

Before 1938 the following places were called Sawadden

  • Zawady (Janowo) , Powiat Nidzicki, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, before 1945 Sawadden , Neidenburg district, 1938–1945 Herzogsau
  • Zawady (Pisz) , Powiat Piski, Warmia-Masurian Voivodeship, before 1945 Sawadden , Johannisburg district, 1938–1945 Ottenberge
  • Zawady (Banie Mazurskie) , Powiat Gołdapski, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, before 1945 Sawadden , Angerburg district, 1938–1945 Herbsthausen
  • Zawady Ełckie , Powiat Ełcki, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, before 1945 Sawadden , village in the Lyck district, Auglitten 1938–1945
  • Zawady Oleckie , Powiat Olecki, before 1945 Sawadden , Oletzko / Treuburg district, 1938–1945 Schwalgenort
  • Zawady-Tworki , Powiat Ełcki, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, before 1945 Sawadden , Gut in the Lyck district, 1938–1945 border guard

Other places:

See also