Zdenek Felix

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Zdenek Felix

Zdenek Felix (* 1938 in Czechoslovakia ) is a German art historian and curator for contemporary art and photography .

Felix studied philosophy and history at the Charles University in Prague , where he also received his doctorate . After working as an editor for an art magazine, he left Czechoslovakia in 1968 and worked as an assistant, first at the Kunsthalle Bern and then at the Kunstmuseum Basel . He worked with Harald Szeemann , among others. In 1976 he became exhibition director at the Museum Folkwang in Essen. After ten years he moved to the Kunstverein München in 1986 , where he was director until 1991. From 1991 to 2003 he was director of the Deichtorhallen in Hamburg. In 2004 he curated the exhibition “Made in Berlin”, which took place as part of the Art Forum Berlin art fair .

Felix is ​​the author and editor of numerous publications on contemporary art. He has lived and worked as a freelance curator in Berlin since 2003 .

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