Ze Zvířetic

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Ze Zvířetic (German from Zviretice ) was a Bohemian noble family that settled at the Zvířetice castle and is said to have descended from the family of the marchwarts . The first lords to call themselves ze Zvířetic were the sons Heřman and Markvart of Zdislav von Lemberk in 1318 .

The family supported the teaching of Jan Hus and was one of the signatories of the protest petition of the Bohemian nobility to the Council of Constance . After the Hussite Wars , she was on the side of King George of Podebrady .


  • Hašek ze Zvířetic was master of the royal chamber under Charles IV.
  • Zdislav ze Zvířetic was the rector of Prague University at the beginning of the 15th century .

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