Zeeman (moon crater)

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Zeeman (Moon South Pole Region)
position 74.82 °  S , 135.77 °  W Coordinates: 74 ° 49 '12 "  S , 135 ° 46' 12"  W.
diameter 192 km
Card sheet 142 (PDF)
Named after Pieter Zeeman (1865-1943)
Named since 1970
Unless otherwise stated, the information comes from the entry in the IAU / USGS database


Zeeman is an impact crater near the South Pole on the far side of the moon and therefore cannot be directly observed from Earth. It is located southeast of Numerov crater and northwest of Ashbrook .

The outer wall of Zeeman is eroded irregularly and the thickness of the inner appendages fluctuates considerably. The northern crater wall is covered by the satellite crater Zeeman Y , which reaches close to the flat crater floor. In the western edge, a small crater joins an incision that runs down to the crater floor. As with many craters on the back of the moon, the inner surface of the crater is pitted from impacts and the remains of eroded craters. Near the center of the crater and slightly to the south-east rises a low central elevation.

List of Zeeman minor craters
Letter position diameter link
E. 74.1 °  S , 124.49 °  W 27 km [1]
G 74.36 °  S , 108.18 °  W 41 km [2]
U 73.56 °  S , 149.65 °  W 25 km [3]
X 71.39 °  S , 138.48 °  W 24 km [4]
Y 72.45 °  S , 138.02 °  W 33 km [5]

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