Central entrance examination in Zurich

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The central entrance examination in Zurich (also known as the Gymi examination ) must be passed successfully in order to be admitted to a Gymnasium in the Canton of Zurich .

General information

The Gymnasium (also district school called) allows the baccalaureate a study by Swiss universities and teacher training colleges and the federal institutes of technology (see also the education system in Switzerland ). In the canton of Zurich, in contrast to other cantons, a central entrance examination must be passed in order to be admitted to a grammar school.

A transfer and thus participation in the central entrance examination is possible from the 6th primary grade or from the 2nd / 3rd grade. Secondary school possible. If there is a transfer from the 6th primary class to the long-term grammar school, schooling takes six years until the Matura. If the central entrance examination is passed after the 2nd or 3rd secondary level, there is a change to the short-term grammar school and the school time up to the Matura lasts 4 years. If the transfer only takes place in the 3rd secondary level, one year is repeated.

Accordingly, students have three regular attempts to pass the central entrance exam (6th primary class, 2nd secondary school and 3rd secondary school). If the central entrance examination is not passed, there are still other options in Switzerland to be admitted to study at universities thanks to the dual education system .

Participation and success rates

In 2018, according to the Education Directorate of the Canton of Zurich, 4,109 students took the central entrance examination for the long-term high school. Of these, 51.6 percent passed and were thus admitted to attend the long-term high school.

in 2018, 40.6 percent of 3511 participants passed the exam. All but one of them come from secondary level A.

Central entrance examination

The central entrance examination takes place in Zurich in March. The content for the entrance examination into the long-term high school and the short-term high school differs slightly. For the long-term high school, mathematics (60 minutes) and German (text comprehension & language observation (45 minutes) and essays (60 minutes)) are tested. In addition to mathematics (90 minutes) and German (text comprehension & language viewing (45 minutes) and essay (90 minutes)), French (60 minutes) is also tested at the entrance examination for the short-term grammar school.

Examination Criteria

The examination criteria are set as follows:

Long-term high school (6th primary school)

For the transfer decision, 50% of the previous school grades of the February certificate in mathematics and German count and 50% of the examination grade (German / mathematics each half). A final grade of at least 4.5 is passed. For students from private primary schools, no previous grades are taken into account. These must achieve an examination grade of at least 4.0.

Short-term high school (2nd / 3rd sec)

No previous grade will be taken into account for the examination in the short-term high school, which will change in the next few years according to a decision by the Cantonal Council. At least one exam grade must be 4.0 or better. The exam grade consists of 40% mathematics, 40% German and 20% French. Individuals with an exam grade between 3.75 and 4.0 must undergo an oral exam that must be completed with at least 4.0.

Preparation of the central entrance exam

In principle, everyone and students can register for the high school examination regardless of their average grade. It is recommended that the average grade for sixth graders in mathematics and German be at least 5.0. For secondary school A students, the average in German, math and French should be around 4.75.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Central entrance examination and probationary period. Retrieved November 7, 2018 .
  2. Central entrance examination 2019. In: Zentralnahmepruefung.ch. Retrieved November 12, 2018 .
  3. Information on preparing for the entrance examination for the Gymnasium 2019 in Zurich. Retrieved November 10, 2018 .