Petite woodpecker spider

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Petite woodpecker spider
Male of Nymphon rubrum

Male of Nymphon rubrum

Sub-stem : Jawbearers (Chelicerata)
Class : Woodlouse spiders (Pycnogonida)
Order : Pantopoda
Family : Nymphonidae
Genre : Nymphon
Type : Petite woodpecker spider
Scientific name
Nymphon rubrum
Hodge , 1865

The petite woodlouse spider ( Nymphon rubrum ) is a species from the class of woodlouse spiders .


The animals have a body length of a maximum of 10 millimeters, the legs are also up to 25 millimeters long. The pedipalps and chelicerae are clearly developed. The egg carrier (Oviger) is very thin, but developed in both sexes.

Occurrence and way of life

The petite woodlice spider occurs on almost all of the coasts of Europe and colonizes polyp hives , colonies of moss animals and algae near the coast. The species feeds primarily on polyps, on which they grab and suck out individual polyps with their chelicerae.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Heiko Bellmann : Kosmos-Atlas arachnids of Europe. Extra: freshwater crabs, woodlice and millipedes . 3. Edition. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 978-3-440-10746-1 .
