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Zilgrei is a method of complementary medicine . Zilgrei combines certain postures or movements of the head, trunk or extremities with a special breathing technique, the so-called zilgrei breathing. This technique is intended to promote relaxation of the body and the balance of the muscles and thereby eliminate or at least alleviate painful conditions. As with similar alternative procedures such as respiratory therapy and Shiatsu , stress and improper civilization of the skeleton are placed in the foreground of the pathogenetic theory.

The name is made up of the first letters of the last names of the founders of this method: Hans Greissing (* 1925 in Stuttgart ; † 2002) and Adriana Zillo (* 1933 in Este ), who was a patient of the chiropractor practicing in Milan around 1978 . The method has been promoted commercially in Germany , Italy and Switzerland since the early 1980s .

Zilgrei is primarily used for self-treatment. “Zilgrei teachers” certified by Zilgrei International offer their method for treating pain in rheumatism , arthrosis , back, neck and shoulder pain, migraines , insomnia, stress, digestive problems, circulatory disorders and many other complaints.

The therapeutic effect of the Zilgrei technique has not yet been scientifically proven. In Germany, reimbursement of costs by the statutory health insurance according to letter a) No. 10 of the appendix to the therapeutic products guidelines is excluded.


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