Belfays Cistercian Abbey

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The Cistercian Abbey of Belfays was a French monastery of the Cistercian sisters in Montigny-le-Roi , today: Val-de-Meuse , Haute-Marne department , from 1140 to 1393 . There is no connection to the municipality of Belfays in the Doubs department .


The Belfays nunnery (from Latin bellum fagum = "Schönbuch"), founded in 1140 east of Chaumont in the Bassigny region and not far from the Cistercian monastery of Morimond , was subordinated to Tart Abbey , but closed in 1393 (after the devastation caused by the Hundred Years War ) and used as a grangie continued by Morimond. The buildings of what is now the local agricultural company date from the 18th century.


  • Bernadette Barrière and Marie-Elisabeth Montulet-Henneau (eds.): Cîteaux et les femmes. Architectures et occupation de l'espace dans les monastères féminins. Modalités d'intégration et de contrôle des femmes dans l'Ordre. Les moniales cisterciennes aujourd'hui . Créaphis éditions, Grâne 2001 (files from a colloquium from 1998), p. 197 and passim.
  • Benoît Chauvin: Belfays, abbaye cistercienne féminine dans l'orbite de Morimond: vers 1140? - 1393 . In: Les Cahiers Haut-Marnais 196-199, 1994, pp. 58-114.
  • Abrégé chronologique de l'histoire des Évêques de Langres . Seconde édition, Langres 1844, p. 158.
  • Bernard Peugniez : Le Guide Routier de l'Europe Cistercienne . Editions du Signe, Strasbourg 2012, p. 136.

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