Election to the United States House of Representatives 1826

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The election to the 1826 House of Representatives of the United States took place from July 3, 1826. The House of Representatives was elected on various election days in the United States . The election was part of the general election for the 20th United States Congress that year, in which a third of the US Senators were also elected. Since the elections took place around the middle of President John Quincy Adams' term of office ( Midterm Election ), they were also considered a vote on the previous policy of the President.

At the time of the election, the United States consisted of 24 states. The number of MPs to be elected was 213. The distribution of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the 1820 census . In the mid-1820s, the United States was in a state of upheaval in terms of domestic politics. The Federalist Party had disbanded earlier. The former state-sponsoring Democratic-Republican Party had split into several wings, two of which held their own. One wing was named after its leader Andrew Jackson (Jacksonians). Its opponents were found in the other wing of the party, whose members called themselves anti-Jacksonians. This wing was led by President John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay . The Jacksonians formed the Democratic Party in the late 1820s . The Anti-Jacksonians became the National Republican Party and then the Whig Party in the 1830s . The elections, like those of 1824, were fierce. The Jacksonians managed to take nine seats from their opponents and thus gain a majority in the House of Representatives. The reason was an aggressive election campaign and the popularity of Andrew Jackson. At the same time, incumbent President John Q. Adams and his policies were relatively unpopular.

Women and slaves were neither eligible nor eligible to vote. Free African Americans were also excluded from voting in many states . The right to vote for free men was also tied to a certain property or tax revenue.

Election result

Total: 213

The results of the last election two years earlier are in brackets. Changes in the course of the legislative period that do not affect the elections themselves are not included in these figures, but are noted in the article on the 20th Congress in the section on the members of the House of Representatives under the relevant names of the representatives. The same applies to elections in states that joined the Union after the beginning of the legislative period. As a result, the sources sometimes contain different information, as changes during the legislative period were sometimes incorporated into the figures and sometimes not.

See also

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