Twenties call

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Hand in the twenties

Zwanzigerufen is the trick card game from the Tarock family that is predominant in many regions of eastern Austria . In terms of the rules, it is simpler than Königruf, which is geographically more widespread in Austria . As is usual with tarot games, the cards have different point values ​​- the primary goal in a single game is to win the majority of points.

The cards

Zwanzigerzüge is played with 40 cards that are taken from the cards used in Königruf 54. The playing cards each consist of 20 tarot and color cards.

The tarot cards are numbered with Roman numerals from I to XXI, plus the Sküs ( Gstieß ) , which is not marked with a number . Tarock II and III, however, will be removed when the twenty calls are made. The tarot cards are worth 1 point each, only the Trull cards I (Pagat), XXI (moon) and Sküs are worth 5 each.

In the case of the color cards, king (5 points), queen (4), cavall / rider (3), jack (2) and a so-called bald head per color are added to the set. The “10” color card is usually used as a bald head for spades and clubs and the “ace” color card for hearts and diamonds, each of which counts 0 points. You can also use cards other than bald - hearts and 4 of diamonds have the advantage of being easier to recognize.

When counting at the end of the game, the values ​​of the cards won (tricks) are simply added up, there is no third division of the points or subtraction / addition of points per trick as in the case of king calls. The total value of all cards is 88, for a victory a party or player must achieve more than half of the total value, i.e. 45 points.

The game

After shuffling the cards by the dealer, the player sitting to the left of the dealer (the lifter) lifts off the stack, then each player receives 5 cards in two rounds, starting with the forehand player sitting to the right of the dealer. There is no talon . Instead of taking off, the lifter can knock - in this case the dealer puts 4 stacks of 10 cards each on the table. The players can then choose one pile at a time, starting with the forehand.

After all players have picked up their cards, the forehand begins with the announcement. For a normal game (see below) she calls “den Zwanziger” (also called the Oide in Vienna ), ie the Tarock XX. The player holding the XX becomes the partner of the forehand. If the forehand itself has the XX, it can call the XIX (commonly known as garden fence ), if it has this, the XVIII and so on up to the XVI. If the forehand has all tarots from XX to XVI in hand, it cannot announce a normal game, but has to play a solo. The called player may not freely announce the possession of the called card, but can declare himself as a partner through various game announcements.

The forehand must at least call the tarot, the possession of which becomes another player's partner. If she doesn't want to make any more announcements, she says “Continue” and the other players can take turns making their announcements. Further announcements can be made one after the other until all players have only said “Continue” in a round.

The forehand always plays. There is compulsory color and trump compulsion, but no compulsion to trick. If a suit is played, all players must admit that suit. If a player does not have a matching color card (anymore), he must play tarot. If he has no tarot either, he can add any (color) card. Tarocks can be played at any time, except for the color solo: Here tarots can only be played when you have no more color cards in your hand. Tarots must be added to a played tarot, as long as you still hold some - if you have no tarot (any more), a color card must be added again.

The tarot cards are permanent trump cards and always triumph the color cards, except for the color solo. A higher numbered tarot tricks a lower one. As in the case of the call of the king, there is also the rule of the call of the twenty that when Sküs, moon (XXI) and Pagat (I) come together, the Pagat does the trick ( fairy tale stitch ).

Throw together

In some tarot rounds, there are rules for “throwing together”, that is, aborting a game immediately after the deal. The game is not scored, the same dealer deals from a new leaf: If you have not a single Tarot in hand, need to throw together, it is the only tarot only one of Trull, can you. It is advisable to check the validity of this rule with the game partners.

The announcements

When calling the twenty there are the following ways to play with their ratings:

  • Normal game (1 point)
  • Color solo ( Faberln , 4 points)
  • Solo ( black , 4 points - sometimes 5 points)

The solo overrides the color solo when it is announced, which means that if one player announces a color solo and another player announces a solo, the solo is played.

There are also a number of rewards that can be announced or played or achieved in silence:

  • Absolute (1 point if played quietly, 2 points if announced)
  • Pagat Ultimo (1 point if played quietly, 2 points if announced)
  • Valat (6 points - or 6 times the game value or 12 times the game value when announced)

All bonuses can be announced by all players, whereby “in addition” or “against” must be announced, i.e. whether the game is played with or against the forehand. When announcing a “Pagat Ultimo against”, a “Contra” must also be announced for the game (with “Absolutely against” or “Valat against” you will automatically always say against).

Popular rewards count twice. If a announced bonus is not achieved, it counts for the opponent. Silently played and lost rewards are - for obvious reasons; every game in which one party loses but scores more than 32 points would otherwise be counted with 0 points because of the lost absolute absolute - not counted, with the exception of the Pagat Ultimo. If the Pagat is played in the last trick and pierced, this is counted as a lost silent Pagat Ultimo.

Finally there are the material bonuses “Trull” (1 point if a player has Sküs, Mond and Pagat in hand) and “4 Kings” (2 points), as well as the game bonus “Moon caught” (1 point) if the moon was overstabbed by Sküs (even if the partner stabbed, it counts against the party that lost the moon). The fairy tale engraving is not considered a moon catch.

The material rewards are won by owning the respective material in the opening hand, not by having the cards in the tricks at the end of the game. They do not have to be announced, as they give the opponent information about your hand, but should be claimed when counting after the game. After catching the moon, a "double round" is played, the next four games are scored twice.

The games and bonuses in detail

In normal play , the forehand and its called partner play against the other two players. The forehand begins with the lead, then the player who scored the previous trick leads. The party that has scored at least 45 points wins.

In the color solo , one player (the caller) plays against the other three and must also score at least 45 points. The tarots do not count as trump cards in this game, but triumph among each other in the usual way. The caller must have at least 5 color cards in order to be able to call a color solo. The player who leads must play a suit card if he still has one in his hand. Color is still compulsory for all players. The only bonuses that are valued for the color solo are Valat, Absolut and “4 Kings”. Pagat Ultimo, Trull and Mondfangen are not counted. The fairytale trick, on the other hand, applies when tarot has been played.

When playing solo , the caller plays against the other three and must again reach 45 points, whereby tarot counts as a trump card as in normal play. In the case of the Solo, all prizes are counted twice during settlement.

Absolute means that a party did not get more than 32 points. This can either be announced or only appear in the course of the game. If the absolute is announced, however, it is considered a loss to the calling party if the other party is not “absolute”.

With Pagat Ultimo , the caller undertakes to take the last trick with the Pagat. The Pagat Ultimo is only considered won if the Pagat is played in the last trick and takes the trick - if the partner oversticks the Pagat, it is considered lost. The Pagat Ultimo is also lost if the Pagat has to be played before the last trick, regardless of whether it is overstabbed or wins the trick. In the case of the color solo, a Pagat Ultimo is not permitted and is also not considered silent.

Valat means that one party wins all the tricks. According to some sets of rules, Valat cancels everything else, which means that no other bonus is counted.

Contra and all increases ( Return / Rekontra , Supre , Resupre ) can be announced on the game as well as on all announced rewards independently of each other. So it is possible, for. B. only to counter a popular Pagat Ultimo to a normal game, but not to double the game itself.

The billing

In principle, all announcements and bonuses are billed separately. A game course could z. B. look like this:

  1. Forehand: XIX continue!
  2. Player 2: Absolutely against!
  3. Player 3: Against absolute!
  4. Player 4: Pagat against it!
  5. Forehand: Contra on Pagat!

All players then say “continue” and the game begins.

So now the forehand plays with player 3 and player 2 with player 4. Player 4 has committed to the Pagat Ultimo, which counts twice as the announced bonus. Players 2 and 4 must also prevent Forehand and Player 3 from scoring more than 32 points.

The game ends with forehand and player 3 scoring 40 points and player 4 taking the last trick with the pagat.

The lost game now counts twice because of the contra (2 points), the lost announced absolute also counts twice because of the contra to the absolute (4 points) and the announced, doubled and won Pagat 4 points. Forehand and player 3 win 4 points because of the failed absolute bid of 2, but lose the game with 2 and the Pagat with 4 points. The game ends with a net result of 2 points for players 2 and 4.

Since each player accounts for himself, both winners will be credited 2 points and both losers will be deducted 2 points. In a solo game, the solo player plays alone against the other three, he receives from or pays all three of the value of the game.

Every announcement made by a player always applies to his partner in the same way. If one player plays a solo and one of the others gives a contra, the game counts twice for the other two as well.

Significant differences to Königruf

  • Zwanzigerufen is played with significantly fewer (14) cards and without a talon . This makes the game faster, and the chances of an announcement are easier to assess. There is no distinction between with and without talon in the games.
  • The forehand can not announce any special forehand games when calling the twenty, apart from the normal game (king calls: additional trischaken and threesomes).
  • There are no negative games in the classic Zwanzigerufen (Königufen: beggar and piccolo as well as their ouvert variants). In some game dialects, however, z. B. the Trischaken also built in in the twenties for a greater variety of variants.
  • There is only the Pagat Ultimo as a better caller ( Königruf : II, III and IIII make the second, third and fourth from last stitch).
  • Simplified counting of the key values.