Stitch (card game)

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A trick denotes a game round in various card games , which is why these are also called trick games .


A player plays out , d. H. places a playing card on the table and in turn each additional player adds a card - clockwise in most games, counterclockwise in tarot .

The trick wins ( scores , makes ) the player who played the highest card; he receives the played cards, places them face down in front of him and leads to the next trick. Which card is the highest depends on the individual rules of the game.

In a game without a trump ( sans atout or no trump ), e.g. As a corresponding contract with the Bridge the player wins the trick of the most senior card of the color has placed in the lurch. In a game with trumps, the player who has put the highest trump in the trick wins. If there is no trump in the trick, the same rule applies as in a game without a trump.

Example : Cœur (heart) is trump. North plays ♣ 3, East plays 8 ♣ 8 plays South and West are 9 so stands out West with the 9 as the highest trump. In a game without a trump, South would win the trick with ♣ 8 as the highest card of the suit led.

Stitches are placed face down, stored stitches may i. A. not be viewed during a game , but there are exceptions: When snapping , for example, it is often common that a player is allowed to look through his own tricks and can see the opponent's first trick.

The total of all tricks in a game is called a vole and a player declaring a vole announces that he will take all the tricks in a game (also known as “walk through”).


In most trickery games, certain rules apply to which cards can be added:

Color compulsion

Compulsory color or compulsory service means that every player is obliged to play a card of the same color as the first card played, provided that he is able to do so ( use color or confess color ).

If a player does not have a corresponding card, he may play ( discard ) any other card .

If a player has several cards of the suit played, he has a choice. In many cases it makes sense to play a higher-value card, but it can also hide (crouch, stay under) .

Prick compulsion

Forced trick means that a player must always try to win the trick, be it by placing a higher card in the required suit or by playing a trump card.

Color and stitch compulsion

If there is a compulsory color and trick , a player must when it is his turn

  • Trick with a higher card of the suit led . If he can't, he has to
  • to admit a lower card of the suit led . If that is not possible, he has to
  • to triumph with a trump card, and if that cannot happen either,
  • discard any other card .

Color forced always goes before engraving forced: it is not allowed with a trump card to sting when the color is played operate could. See, for example, Écarté .

Trump compulsion

If a player does not have a card of the suit led, he must play a trump card if possible.

Example : acorn is trump. Forehand plays Schell-8, middle hand trumps with Eichel-10. Hindquarters have no bells, but they still have a trump, Eichel-8: Hindquarters must now play this card (admit trump, undertrump) and may not discard another.

Renonce, Revoke

A violation of one of these rules will result in Renonce or engl. Revoke called and punished accordingly, e.g. B. by losing the game or by so-called penalty tricks , d. H. Tricks that are credited to the opponents.

Note : The term Renonce is also used in a different sense: If a player of a suit has no cards (any more), i.e. is blank in this suit , this is sometimes also referred to as Renonce (or Chicane ).

Trickling games

As a trick game in another sense it refers to any (card) game that razor is.

Eye games

Eye games are those card games where the value of the cards caught in the tricks is important. There are games in which the player with the highest number of pips wins, as well as games in which no or only a few pips should be achieved.

Note : The cards contained in stitches count on their eyes , for winning or losing game there are points .

Eye games are z. B .:

Tricks in the narrower sense

A trick game in the narrower sense or pure trick game (i.e., when the term trick game is used as the opposite of eye game) is the name given to those card games in which only the number of tricks is important, but not the cards contained in the tricks.

Pure trickery games are for example:

For games that are composed of several different games ( tours ), such as. B. Herzeln or Quodlibet , a clear assignment to one of the two categories is not possible.

supporting documents

  1. ^ " Vole " In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon , Volume 20. Leipzig 1909, p. 222.