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Wallachen is a comparatively simple and easy to learn card game for three people. It is / was preferably played in Eastern Bavaria . Geldings are rarely played these days and are therefore threatened with extinction.


Wallach seems to originally come from the Bohemian region. Depending on the region, there are other names for geldings, for example in the Grafenau area it is also known as "sabers". Other spellings are Wallachians or Wallachers.

Game material

Deck of cards required for geldings with a Bavarian image (including the 6s)

Geldings are played just like Schafkopf with German playing cards with a Bavarian image. Playing cards with the imprint Tarock / Schafkopf , which consist of 36 sheets, are common. For gelding, the sixes are removed , as is the case with Schafkopf or Grasobern .

Colors of the German paper
Ring heart grass Acorn
Bay schellen.svg Bay Herz.svg Bay gras.svg Bay acorn.svg

Goal of the game

The aim of the game in gelding is to take at least six or more tricks (a maximum of ten tricks are possible). Geldings are usually played for money. Tokens can also be used for accounting purposes or game points can be written down.

Ranking of the card values

Stabbing power

The order of the cards when tripping is (starting with the highest card value): Sau (Ace, Daus )> King > Upper > Under > 10s> 9s> 8s> 7s.

Hierarchy of card values ​​within the four colors
Acorn grass heart Ring
Bay acorn.pngA Bay acorn.pngK Bay acorn.pngO Bay acorn.pngU Bay acorn.png10 Bay acorn.png9 Bay acorn.png8 Bay acorn.png7 Bay gras.pngA Bay gras.pngK Bay gras.pngO Bay gras.pngU Bay gras.png10 Bay gras.png9 Bay gras.png8 Bay gras.png7 Bay heart.pngA Bay heart.pngK Bay heart.pngO Bay heart.pngU Bay heart.png10 Bay heart.png9 Bay heart.png8 Bay heart.png7 Bay schelle.pngA Bay schelle.pngK Bay schelle.pngO Bay schelle.pngU Bay schelle.png10 Bay schelle.png9 Bay schelle.png8 Bay schelle.png7


Trumps are always all card values ​​of a suit in the above order. The card played for the first trick determines the trump suit. The trump suit can therefore vary from single game to single game. However, there is no trump suit in the game forms begging and murder .

Game flow

Card distribution

The dealer shuffles the cards, lets draw and then distributes ten cards to each player who can look at them immediately; two cards also come covered in the start , so there as in Skat set aside. A total of 32 cards are in circulation. While the cards are being dealt , players are allowed to double , which means that the previously agreed stake is doubled. Usually the cards are dealt 2 × 5, 2 × 4 and 2 or 3/4/3.

Stimulation process

The first player behind the dealer must be the first to declare whether he wants to play. If the other two players agree and the first player does not announce otherwise, six tricks are enough for the first player to win. However, if the second player wants to play himself after the dealer, he must overstrain the first player: he must therefore announce that he will take more tricks than this, i.e. at least seven. The first player can now bid against it, and it is enough for him if he draws level with the number of tricks announced by the second player. The first and second players irritate each other until one of them gives in. Now it is the turn of the dealer, who in turn can offer more tricks. Whoever bids the highest, that is, announces that he will take the most tricks, ends up playing against the other two players. If two players bid each other up to ten tricks, the player who bid ten tricks can still be outbid by a beg. Begging, in turn, can be outbid by murder, so murder is the variety with the highest bid value.

Determination of the game type

As soon as the declarer has been determined, he may pick up the two cards from the start. He now analyzes his twelve cards and puts the two cards that are of the least help back into the start face-down. The start is no longer touched until the end of the game.

It is quite possible that the two cards from the start can influence the strategic concept of the player or even completely overturn it. The player can leave it at the number of tricks announced by him, for example say that he has taken at least seven tricks, but a player who actually wanted to take many tricks may have to / can change his game and one of two possible tricks Announce alternatives: begging or murder (the latter is also known as kini in some regions ). In begging, the player is not allowed to take a single trick; in murder, he must take all of them. So begging corresponds to the begging of Schafkopf and Graßoberln or the zero in Skat, murder corresponds to the tout from Schafkopf.

Increases in play value

Before the end of the first round, the game value increases Kontra and Re are possible. Every contra and re leads to a doubling of the stake. A higher, previously agreed flat rate applies to begging and murder.

Style of play

As soon as the player has decided whether to dare the announced game or switch to begging or murder, he puts the two cards that do not match in the start and plays the first card (that is, declarer always plays first, regardless from its position to the giver). The first card played determines the trump suit.

The other two players must concede trumps if they are able to do so. In general, color is compulsory , which means that an alluded color must always be used. In addition, there is always a duty to jump-off with geldings, either with trump or suit, if possible.

Whoever wins, goes out next. The last trick on the opposite side can be viewed.


After all cards have been played, the tricks are counted. The player must take at least as many tricks as announced. For each trick scored, the two opponents give him the amount previously set. If the player loses, he has to pay every opponent for every trick announced. The game total is calculated as follows: agreed total per trick × number of tricks. If necessary, this result is doubled by Contra and Re and / or doubling before the start of the game.

If no player wants to play, the first player must play after the dealer. If necessary, it can be agreed that a deposit will be made into a stick instead, which the winner of the next game will also receive.


The difficulty with gelding is to correctly estimate the number of stitches that can be achieved and then to bid correctly. The player must also discard the two correct cards after starting the game.


Wallachen is very similar to the Bavarian Tarock card game, especially with regard to the distribution of cards and the bidding, as well as the way of playing . The latter, however, is an eye game, which means that a certain number of eyes must be achieved. Furthermore, in the Bavarian Tarot, the 6s are left in the card deck. A simpler version of geldings is shown in the game Bolachen .


  • Walter Sirch: From Old to Twenties - Bavarian card games for children and adults - rediscovered. Bavarian Costume Association, 2008